Workplace Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment 2021
All employees have the right to work in a safe environment free from bullying, discrimination, and all forms of harassment including sexual harassment. However, a combination of organisational and professional hierarchies, gender inequity, the competitive nature of medical practice and training, and systems under pressure, has led to a workplace and culture where inappropriate workplace behaviours have become entrenched in many areas of healthcare over time.
The AMA believes the medical profession must take a leadership role in creating a workplace and professional culture where bullying, discrimination and harassment does not occur, and in fostering respect and inclusivity amongst colleagues across disciplines and ranks to ensure a safe physical and psychological work environment.
This position statement affirms the AMA’s commitment to a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of workplace bullying, discrimination, and harassment and makes recommendations to provide for and promote the physical and psychosocial health, safety, and wellbeing of medical professionals in the workplace.