
AMA submission to the Therapeutic Goods Administration – Standard for vaporiser nicotine

The AMA opposes the use of nicotine vaping products for all purposes, including for therapeutic use, due to the evidence that it causes harm and lack of evidence that it is an effective smoking cessation tool.

The AMA opposes the use of nicotine vaping products for all purposes, including for therapeutic use, due to the evidence that it causes harm and lack of evidence that it is an effective smoking cessation tool. Therefore, the AMA believes that the TGA should take a restrictive approach to the proposed nicotine standards outlined in TGO 110 to ensure these products are as safe as possible and provide as much information as possible to the patient and prescriber. The TGO 110 requirements need to be determined by the results of reviews into the safety and efficacy of nicotine vaping products, including volume and concentration limits.

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