
AMA submission on the review of Assessing Fitness to Drive Guidelines

The AMA has provided a submission for the upcoming review of Assessing Fitness to Drive.

The National Transport Commission and Austroads are reviewing Assessing Fitness to Drive (AFTD), the medical standards that inform driver licensing. The purpose of the review is to ensure that these standards represent best-practice, are up to date and meet the needs of users. The last review was in 2016, with guidelines updated in 2017.

Overall, feedback from AMA members suggested that the Guidelines are widely used and fit for purpose. Issues addressed in the submission include:

  • The information about telehealth in the Guidelines is out-of-date
  • There is a desire for evidence-based tools for cognitive and motor skills assessment
  • There are some ongoing problems with access to non-GP specialist assessment for Fitness to Drive
  • Acknowledgment that Fitness to Drive assessment may create tension and conflict in the doctor-patient relationship, especially in rural and remote areas.


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