
AMA submission - Department of Health consultation on Draft National Obesity Prevention Strategy 2022-2032

The Australian Medical Association agrees with the overall approach of the draft Obesity Prevention Strategy and is supportive of it as a vital tool to address overweight and obesity.

In principle, the draft Strategy presents an accurate understanding of the problem of obesity in Australia, including its health impacts and underlying drivers. In particular, the AMA appreciates the clear acknowledgement in the draft of the influence of healthy (and unhealthy) environments, and the social determinants of health. However, the AMA is concerned that the draft Strategy will have limited impact on obesity rates in Australia without a clearer commitment to implementation. Full AMA support for this Strategy is contingent on the Strategy being complemented with a detailed implementation plan within 6 months of the Strategy’s finalisation, which should detail targets, governance, accountability, funding, and monitoring and evaluation plans. 

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