AMA Submission to consultation regulation impact statement: Nursing and midwifery board Registration standard: Endorsement for scheduled medicines — designated registered nurse prescribers
The AMA welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Consultation regulation impact statement (CRIS) that has been circulated for comment by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) on a proposed registration standard for registered nurse (RN) prescribers.
The AMA notes that, in preparing and presenting the options set out in this CRIS, the NMBA has conducted a methodical process over a number of years, including examining the nature of the problem, the impact of proposed solutions and consulting widely. The consultation process that has been undertaken is in welcome contrast to the approach being taken by some other health professions, where the haste to impose solutions to poorly defined problems of access is placing patient safety at risk. This is undermining nationally agreed principles and processes that are intended to regulate non-medical prescribing and ensure the safety of patients.