AMA President meets with Prime Minister Scott Morrison
Dr Omar Khorshid and Prime Minister Scott Morrison met in Perth on Thursday urging a reset to the national COVID-19 vaccine roll out.
AMA president Dr Omar Khorshid held a private meeting and GP and community forum with the Prime Minister in Perth, making the case to the PM to reset the national COVID-19 vaccine program.
Dr Khorshid recommended to the Prime Minister an expanded role for States and Territories in vaccinating under 50s with Pfizer but argued against a proposal for mass vaccination centres for over 50s.
He also outlined why GP patient consultations will need to be extended in many cases to better inform patient consent and urged the Government to adjust MBS item numbers for vaccine consultations accordingly.
Dr Khorshid is keen for the vaccination roll out to deliver the best outcome for all Australians.
“Let’s make sure that we get vaccine confidence back up to where it needs to be so that all Australians get their vaccine by the end of the year and we deliver that in a safe way and general practice is here to support the government in that,” Dr Khorshid said.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said, “there’s no doubt in my mind that the safest place, the best place for Australians to receive that type of healthcare through the vaccine is with their local GP and I want to thank GPs both here in Western Australia and right across the country, for the tremendous work they’re putting in looking after their patients, which is what they love to do and I want to thank you also for your great leadership and encouraging both the population and giving the calm assurance to support programs such as this”.
The meeting also saw Dr Khorshid ask the Prime Minister to act on doctor indemnity concerns, to put an end once and for all to doubt about GP exposure to litigation and increased premiums arising from uncertainties of the vaccine program.