
You've Been Hacked! Is Your Business Cyber Safe?



Event Date



Wednesday, 25th September 2024


7 - 8pm

  • AMA members - Free
  • Hood Sweeney clients - Free
  • Norman Waterhouse clients - Free
  • Non member - $50pp
Event type


You've Been Hacked!
Is Your Business Cyber Safe?

In this webinar, discover essential strategies to protect your data and enhance your cyber security knowledge.

Join us for an opportunity to hear from expert guest speakers who will help you uncover critical tactics for safeguarding your business against cyber threats. 

Gain insights from Hood Sweeney's cyber security expert, Adrian Crossing, as he explores actionable ways healthcare providers can build a strong cyber security culture within their practice. As most cyberattacks are driven from human error, Adrian will take you through ways you can be more vigilant including staff training, detecting potential threats, identifying phishing emails and encrypting data. He will also discuss ways you can implement a cyber disaster recovery and incident response plan and healthcare specific recovery planning. 

Plus, Marissa Mackie from Norman Waterhouse Lawyers will share top tips for ensuring data privacy for both practitioners and patients.

Special thanks to our partners, Hood Sweeney and Norman Waterhouse.


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