
Health Care (Private Day Procedure Centres) Variation Regulations


The AMA(SA) wrote to SA Health - among other activity - in response to concerns around an amendment to the Health Care (Miscellaneous) Act 2016 and specifically part 10A - Private day procedure centres, s89(1) and s89(2) (a). 

The  amendments  led to overwhelming uncertainty and anxiety amongst our medical specialist members and the wider medical community.  

The AMA(SA)'s main concern iwas the effect Part 10A which states ‘local anaesthetic’ is included as a ‘prescribed health service’ for the purposes of licensing of stand-alone private day procedure centres, meaning that outside of general practice and dentistry, ALL services provided by specialists requiring a local anaesthetic will need to be performed in one of the soon to be licenced private day procedure centres. 

SA Health contacted the AMA(SA) in relation to Regulations consequent to the amendments. The AMA(SA) has since had some encouraging news about how the Government will address these issues. Our letter to SA Health can be found below. 

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