
Rural Focus for Indigenous Scholarship Winners

Two medical students, both with a passion for rural medicine, have been awarded the AMA Indigenous Peoples' Medical Scholarships for 2007.

AMA president, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, today awarded the scholarships to Ms Shelly Fraser of James Cook University and Ms Sarah Dunn from the University of New South Wales.

Valued at $9,000 each for each year of study, the scholarships provide support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students studying medicine.

The scholarships were established in 1995 with the help of the Department of Health and Ageing and this year have received the support of American Express and the Reuben Pelerman Benevolent Foundation.

"This scholarship is an excellent opportunity to encourage more Indigenous students to consider a career in medicine, particularly in Indigenous health," said Dr Haikerwal.

Ms Dunn, a sixth year student studying for her degree in medicine and surgery, says her career goal is work as a general practitioner in rural Australia.

"To me rural general practice embodies what medicine should be," said Ms Dunn, who grew up in rural Australia.

"Despite Australia's excellent standard of healthcare, inequalities still exist for rural and Indigenous Australians.

"I am very pleased to be in such a privileged position where it is possible to give back to the community by doing what I have always wanted to do."

Ms Fraser spent 10 years working as a policewoman in rural Australia before making the switch to medicine as a mature-age student.

"I think it's important for all students to gain rural practice experience and find out first-hand what it's like to work in rural and remote areas and with Indigenous communities," said Ms Fraser.

"I think it would be great if all medical graduates could set aside a year or two to do that.

"A lot of it is to do with improving awareness of the cultural aspects of working with Indigenous people, and improving communication skills."

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