Recorded on Thursday 11 April 2024

Property and finance - making the right investment

If you're looking to buy your first home or an investment property, this seminar will give you the right advice to accelerate your property investment portfolio.

Cutcher & Neale's extensive knowledge of the lending market means they are best placed to guide you in the right direction. Cutcher & Neale will provide you with financial solutions and practical recommendations that traditional banking channels or mortgage lenders may not be able to offer.

The Cutcher & Neale team has working relationships with many specialised lenders, allowing them to offer tailored services for members, including higher gearing strategies, flexible loans and interest rate advantages.

Topics include:

  • Buying your first home - it is easier than you think
  • How medical lending policy improves your borrowing capacity.
  • The importance of loan structuring, including the advantages of borrowing more than you need
  • How to supercharge a property portfolio
  • Asset selection – what are the characteristics of an investment-grade property?
  • Due diligence you should undertake on a property
  • Update on the Brisbane property market


  • Josh Holt - Credit Advisor, Cutcher & Neale
  • James Freudigmann - Co-Founder & Director PMC Property Buyers
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2024 Cutcher & Neale Seminar Series