
Is your practice ready for Nationally Consistent Payments?

As part of the Transition to College-Led GP Training, the Department of Health and Aged Care developed the National Consistent Payments (NCP) Framework to provide a clear transparent and nationally consistent framework of support available to AGPT program participants.

The NCP framework – developed in consultation with the AMA and other stakeholders – provides information regarding the level of payments to be provided to registrars, supervisors and practices for training on the AGPT program. The framework also outlines the activities that supervisors and practices are expected to undertake, as well as permitted uses of funds by registrars.

The framework will commence from Semester 1 2023.

Next steps

The Department, in collaboration with the RACGP and the ACRRM, has commenced work with Services Australia on the build of a payment system.

Further information on how to register to access the support payments via the Services Australia payment system and the NCP framework can be found at:

Services Australia:

Department of Health and Aged Care

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