
AMA Submission to NHPO vexatious complaints framework

Vexatious complaints are highly impactful, accordingly the AMA would like to see the Vexatious Notifications Framework succeed.

Following significant AMA advocacy, Ahpra have finally made some positive initial steps, but this is not the end of the process, significant further effort is critical to properly manage this important issue.   


The AMA would like to see Ahpra functioning well, with a solid level of trust in the process amongst the profession. Unfortunately, we do not see this right now.


Improving transparency on how vexatious complaints are managed would improve how the profession views Ahpra and its processes. We need to see how the Framework has changed behaviour and improved vexatious notification handling. We would like to see this as a driver to improve the Framework. The AMA is committed to working with Ahpra to achieve this. 

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