
Upcoming changes to Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre accreditation

AMA members are advised that changes are being introduced for prescribers of the yellow fever vaccine. Practices approved as Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres will be required to complete an online learning course to obtain accreditation. Practitioners already prescribing the vaccine will have up to three years to complete the course.

The Yellow Fever Vaccination Course, developed by the Department of Health, will be available online through the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine’s learning portal from 26 November 2018. It is anticipated that individuals with previous experience or qualifications in travel medicine will be able to complete the course quickly.

The course will bring Australia in line with other countries that have individual training requirements for prescribing the yellow fever vaccine. Unlike other vaccines, the yellow fever vaccine has international certification requirements which must be completed according to the World Health Organization’s International Health Regulations (2005).

National Guidelines for Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres and Providers will also be made available via the Human Biosecurity portal on the Department of Health’s website following the launch of the course.

For more information on the new Yellow Fever Vaccination Course and National Guidelines for Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres and Providers, please see the Yellow Fever Vaccination Factsheet or contact

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