
AMA Medical Workforce and Training Summit 2018

The AMA Medical Workforce and Training Summit was held at AMA Victoria in Melbourne on 3 March 2018.

More than 80 key stakeholders took part in the Summit to discuss key medical workforce challenges and how to better meet community need, including a lack of training places for medical graduates, the maldistribution of the medical workforce, under- and over- supply in some specialty areas, and the long-standing imbalance between generalist training and sub-specialisation. Attendees included representatives of doctors in training, rural health groups, medical schools, prevocational and specialist training bodies, private healthcare organisations, medical registration and accreditation agencies, State AMAs, and Commonwealth, State, and Territory Health Departments.


Next steps

The Summit generated constructive debate and resulted in a range of ideas and strategies to tackle key medical workforce and training challenges, many of which had broad support. While some were new, many of these already feature prominently in AMA policy with the Summit reinforcing the need for the AMA to continue to pursue these proposals. The AMA will take into account the outcomes of the Summit when developing new policy and in its planned review of the AMA Position Statement on Medical Workforce and Training.

The AMA would like to thank all Summit attendees for providing their expertise and insight into the key issues impacting on medical workforce and training and community access to services, and the actions we might take to address these issues.

Further comments on the Summit and this Report are welcome and can be directed to:
Mr Warwick Hough
General Practice and Workplace Policy Department
Australian Medical Association


Read the AMA Medical Workforce and Training Summit Report and Media Release


Powerpoint Presentations



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