
New website offers extra support for doctors’ health and wellbeing

A new national website has been launched offering doctors and medical students access to resources to support their own health and well being as well as training modules to support doctors who treat other doctors, with the latter attracting RACGP and ACRRM CPD points.

The website was developed by Doctors Health Services, which is part of the AMA. It is supported by a network of doctors’ health advisory and referral services operating across Australia; each offering independent, safe, supportive and confidential programs.

DRS4DRS has a large menu of wellbeing strategies and where to find health care support, including links to each doctors’ health service, allowing doctors and medical students to find a GP, join a local support network, seek urgent advice, or participate in key events.

We know Doctors experience a range of barriers when seeking help for their physical health and mental health. The implementation of a national website that brings together a range of information, acting as a ‘one stop shop’ for doctors’ health and wellbeing, aims to break down some of those barriers.

The DRS4DRS website details supports that can be accessed 24/7, how to connect with a confidential service for doctors only, as well strategies to assist with the many aspects of managing a busy professional life.

The DRS4DRS site provides guidance for doctors on supporting a medical colleague. Doctors who see doctors as patients can find helpful information about managing the doctor-patient consult and access online learning modules about caring for colleagues.

Doctors Health Service Pty Ltd is an independent service supported through funding from the Medical Board of Australia.

If this article raises any concerns for you, please contact your local doctors’ health service.


Twitter: @drs4drs_Aus

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