
Doctors Rally Against Coalition Medicare Restrictions

The Federal Government has broken its promise to young doctors to ease restrictions on access to Medicare, the Federal President of the Australian Medical Association, Dr David Brand, told a protest rally of young doctors in Brisbane today.

"In 1998, the Coalition promised to relax the restrictions to allow young doctors to experience general practice prior to making final career decisions - but have failed to deliver," Dr Brand said.

"Legislation currently before Federal Parliament would make this situation permanent.

"Currently, only hospital work is available to young doctors prior to entering specialist training. Specialists are now being produced who have never worked in family general practice.

"Even the Government's own training panel recommended that all young doctors should experience general practice before entering specialist training.

"GPs in rural and urban areas are crying out for relief doctors to fill in while they are attending conferences and much needed rest. Yet the Government's legislation is making this more difficult while denying young doctors valuable training.

"The AMA is lobbying all parties to make sure the Coalition's commitment to young doctors is made good before the legislation is dealt with by Parliament.

"Young doctors are rightly angry with the Federal Government - it is time the Government made good on its promise," Dr Brand said.

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